Vince Lisi is the principal teacher and program director of Now Creations. Let’s state this another way: Vince is the principal “vehicle of teaching” of Now Creations. The real, true teacher is the Spirit of Truth that resides in each of us as a gift of God. Vince has Master degrees in Philosophy from the Catholic University of America (Washington D.C.) and in Theology from the Athenaeum of Ohio (Cincinnati, Ohio).
Vince teaches people how to meditate, does one-to-one Spiritual direction, and is a gifted spiritual counselor. Vince is a very inspirational speaker and often gives professional seminars.
Vince teaches the weekly study groups in Youngstown, Ashtabula, Akron/Medina, Ohio, and the monthly groups in Indianapolis, Indiana, Columbus, Ohio, and Lewisburg, Pennsylvania- presently through the Now Creations online classroom via ZOOM.
He is available for any personal need, and welcomes you to contact him:
Mail | 407 Meadowbrook Ave., Youngstown Ohio 44512
Main | (330) 783-0387
Text/mobile | (330) 727-0703
Email | [email protected]