Welcome to Our Study Groups
The heart and soul of Now Creations and the pillar of our true spiritual growth are the Study Groups conducted by Vince Lisi. These groups focus on contemporary books of high spiritual teachings. Vince gives several comments on the readings, then the group members share their insights and experiences. These meetings are very powerful and provide the regular discipline of the practice of spiritual growth with like-minded souls.
To enroll in any of our Study Groups, please contact Vince directly:
Text/mobile: 1 (330) 727-0703
Email: [email protected]
All our study groups meet online, via ZOOM, during the days and times shown below.
(All times Eastern)
Donations to our weekly Study Groups can be made directly to Now Creations, INC. c/o Vince Lisi 407 Meadowbrook Avenue Youngstown, Ohio 44512-3040, or through our secure PAY PAL account via the Donate button below.